The brilliant Girl

Write about your first crush.

In the tapestry of my teenage years, Fati was the vibrant thread that added color to my otherwise mundane existence. At the age of 17, when youthful curiosity and the allure of first experiences intertwined, she emerged as a beacon of intellect and charm in my world.

The girl behind the mask

Fati, a name that rolled off the tongue with a delicate elegance, embodied qualities far beyond her years. Her brilliance shone like a beacon, drawing admiration from peers and teachers alike. It wasn’t just her academic acumen that captivated me, but her innate wisdom and ability to navigate life’s complexities with grace.

Our paths first crossed in the cozy confines of “ Kumasi city mall”, a quaint café that exuded warmth and familiarity. It was there, amidst the aroma of freshly ground coffee and the soft hum of conversation, that our story began to unfold. As Sharif, I found myself spellbound by her presence, each moment spent in her company a lesson in humility and inspiration.

Our first date at Melcombe was a nervous yet exhilarating affair. The ambiance seemed to conspire in our favor, casting a romantic glow over our fledgling connection. I remember the way her laughter filled the air, infectious and genuine, as we delved into discussions ranging from literature to existential philosophy. Her insights were as profound as they were illuminating, sparking a fire within me to explore the depths of knowledge alongside her.

What initially drew me to Fati was not just her outward beauty, though she possessed a quiet allure that was hard to ignore. It was her mind, sharp and inquisitive, that left an indelible mark on my heart. She had a way of unraveling the complexities of the world with ease, offering perspectives that challenged and enriched my own understanding.

Beyond our shared moments at “ Kumasi city mall”, Fati became my muse and confidante. Her presence in my life was a source of constant inspiration, pushing me to strive for excellence in both academics and personal growth. She embodied qualities I admired — resilience in the face of challenges, compassion for others, and an unwavering dedication to her principles.

As Sharif, navigating the exhilarating highs and occasional uncertainties of young love with Fati was a transformative experience. Our bond deepened with each passing day, fueled by shared interests and mutual respect. Though our paths eventually diverged, the memories we created together remain etched in the fabric of my being.

Reflecting on my first crush, Fati remains a symbol of youthful discovery and the profound impact of genuine connection. She taught me that love transcends mere infatuation; it’s rooted in admiration for someone’s essence and shared aspirations for a meaningful future.

In essence, Fati will forever hold a cherished place in my heart as the embodiment of brilliance, wisdom, and the beauty of first love. I love you fati.


What countries do you want to visit?

Dubai! A city of opulence, innovation, and wonder. Visiting Dubai would be an incredible experience, offering a unique blend of traditional Arabian culture and modern luxury. Here’s what draws me to this fascinating destination:

Architectural marvels: Dubai’s skyline is a testament to human ingenuity, featuring iconic structures like the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, and the majestic Dubai Frame.

Luxury shopping: From high-end malls like the Dubai Mall to traditional souks, Dubai offers a shopper’s paradise, with everything from designer brands to precious spices and jewels.

Cultural experiences: Visiting the Jumeirah Mosque, exploring the Al Fahidi Historical Neighbourhood, and taking a traditional abra ride on Dubai Creek offer a glimpse into the city’s rich heritage.

World-class entertainment: Dubai hosts world-renowned events like the Dubai International Film Festival and the Dubai World Cup, as well as theme parks like IMG Worlds of Adventure and Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi.

Gastronomic delights: Savoring Arabic cuisine, indulging in fine dining experiences, and exploring the city’s vibrant food scene would be a culinary adventure.

Desert adventures: Exploring the majestic dunes on a desert safari, watching the sunset over the Arabian Desert, and experiencing the thrill of dune bashing would be an unforgettable experience.

Dubai’s blend of tradition, innovation, and luxury makes it a captivating destination that I would love to visit and explore.


How do you want to retire?

As I envision my retirement, I aspire to transition into a chapter of life marked by serenity, personal growth, and joy. My ideal retirement is a harmonious balance of relaxation, exploration, and contribution.

Financially, I aim to achieve a comfortable level of prosperity, ensuring freedom from monetary worries and the ability to pursue my passions without constraint.

Intellectually, I seek to remain curious and engaged, dedicating time to learning new skills, reading, and mentoring others.

Socially, I desire to nurture meaningful relationships with loved ones, friends, and community, fostering a sense of belonging and connection.

Physically, I strive to maintain well-being through regular exercise, healthy habits, and travel, exploring new lands and immersing in diverse cultures.

Personally, I aim to cultivate mindfulness, gratitude, and purpose, reflecting on my accomplishments and cherishing memories.

In retirement, I envision a life of flexibility, creativity, and contentment, where each day is a canvas waiting to be painted with vibrant experiences, personal growth, and contributions to society.

By embracing this vision, I am committed to creating a fulfilling and purposeful retirement, a testament to a life well-lived and a future filled with promise.

Apple Announces Apple Intelligence for IOS Devices in New Update

Apple Intelligence, as described by Apple, is set to revolutionize user interaction across iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia updates. It integrates generative AI with personal context to provide highly relevant and useful intelligence. Apple CEO Tim Cook highlighted the system’s focus on combining AI with personal data to deliver personalized assistance, aiming for a more intuitive user experience. This includes new writing tools that enhance communication by refining text in emails, summarizing notes, and improving grammar across various applications.

In the Mail app, upcoming events, tickets, and meetings will be prioritized within the inbox, while email previews will now feature summaries instead of initial excerpts. Notifications will also prioritize and summarize messages and alerts. The Focus feature introduces a new “Reduce Interruptions” option to identify and highlight items requiring immediate attention, aiming to cater to users’ current needs effectively.

Apple Intelligence works also with spoken language. The Notes and Phone apps can record, transcribe, and summarize audio. If you record, there is an automatic notification to both callers, accounting for the legality of recording someone’s audio without permission

Creating Visuals

In more efforts to make expressing ones self more comprehensive, Image Playground is generative system that lives in Messages and in a dedicated app. Users can go in and can Animated, Illustrate, or Sketch. It takes on different photos, suggestions, themes, moods, and prompts to generate fun images to send to friends. Probably not recommended for work emails.


Siri has been a faithful, though sometimes frustratingly basic digital assistant for iPhone users for years, but now Apple Intelligence injects Siri some deeper language-understanding capabilities. Users can actually speak more naturally with Siri and it will understand the nuances and human qualities of speech, as well as the larger context of conversation or line or inquiry, even following between spoken and texted responses. With more “onscreen awareness” Siri can also understand registering whatever is on the screen. Apple Intelligence also makes it possible for Siri to better interact with third-party apps, like accessing a playlist on Spotify, or opening a link of Chrome.


Many of these features mentioned that use Apple Intelligence are processed on-device, so your data and personal context stay in one place. When there a request needs more power to process, Private Cloud Compute is an assurance that data that any needs to be processed are on larger servers that have Apple silicon chips, data is never stored, and its software has been publicly logged.

Winter 🥶

What is your favorite season of year? Why?

Many individuals have a special affinity for specific seasons due to a variety of factors such as weather preferences, associated activities, cultural traditions, and personal memories. Here’s a detailed exploration of mine favorite season and why I love it most:

Winter: Winter holds a special place for many due to its cozy and festive atmosphere. The sight of snowfall, the opportunity for activities like skiing and ice skating, and the chance to enjoy hot cocoa by the fire evoke feelings of comfort and nostalgia. Holidays such as Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s Eve bring families and communities together, emphasizing themes of love, generosity, and reflection.

Winter’s beauty and the chance to engage in seasonal traditions make it a cherished time of year for those who appreciate its unique charm.

Uninterrupted Time In Nature

What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?

For me, the one luxury I can’t live without is uninterrupted time in nature. Whether it’s a serene hike through a lush forest, the rhythmic crash of ocean waves on a secluded beach, or simply sitting beneath a starry sky far from city lights, being in nature rejuvenates and inspires me like nothing else.

In today’s fast-paced world, where constant connectivity and digital distractions abound, carving out moments to immerse myself in natural surroundings feels like a precious indulgence. It’s not just about escaping the hustle and bustle; it’s about reconnecting with simplicity, beauty, and the innate rhythms of the earth.

Nature offers a profound sense of peace and perspective. The sights, sounds, and smells—whether it’s the crisp scent of pine needles in a forest, the salty tang of sea air, or the earthy aroma after rainfall—awaken my senses and ground me in the present moment. The beauty of a sunrise painting the sky in hues of pink and gold or the quiet majesty of a mountain peak against a clear blue sky remind me of the vastness and wonder of the world we live in.

Moreover, time in nature fosters introspection and creativity. It clears my mind, allowing thoughts to flow freely and ideas to take shape. Whether I’m seeking inspiration, solace, or simply a chance to unwind, nature provides a sanctuary where I can recharge and find clarity.

In essence, while material luxuries can bring temporary pleasure, the luxury of immersing myself in nature’s embrace offers enduring joy, peace, and a profound connection to the natural world—a priceless gift that enriches my life in countless ways.

Why so many CEOs are engineers, And 5 reasons to attend technical schools

The prevalence of engineers in CEO positions can be attributed to their unique skill set, which aligns closely with the demands of modern business leadership. Engineers possess several key qualities that are highly valued in executive roles:

  1. Problem-Solving and Analytical Thinking: Engineering education emphasizes rigorous problem-solving techniques and analytical thinking. CEOs often face complex challenges that require systematic analysis and innovative solutions. Engineers are trained to approach problems methodically, which equips them well for strategic decision-making and problem-solving in diverse business contexts.
  2. Technological and Innovation Expertise: In today’s digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping business strategies and operations. Engineers, with their deep understanding of technology and innovation, are adept at leveraging technological advancements to drive organizational growth and competitive advantage. This expertise allows them to capitalize on emerging trends, lead digital transformations, and foster innovation within their organizations.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Engineers are skilled in quantitative analysis and data interpretation, essential for making informed, data-driven decisions. CEOs rely on data to assess market trends, customer preferences, and organizational performance. Engineers’ proficiency in data analysis enables them to derive actionable insights, optimize processes, and improve business outcomes.
  4. Efficiency and Optimization: Engineering disciplines emphasize efficiency, optimization, and systematic problem-solving. CEOs from engineering backgrounds bring a focus on operational excellence, resource management, and process improvement to their leadership roles. Their ability to streamline workflows, reduce costs, and enhance productivity contributes to organizational efficiency and profitability.
  5. Innovation and Adaptability: Engineers are inherently innovative and adaptable, traits crucial for navigating rapidly changing business environments. They are accustomed to experimenting, iterating, and embracing new technologies and methodologies. CEOs with engineering backgrounds are often at the forefront of driving innovation, leading industry disruptions, and adapting strategies to meet evolving market demands.

Regarding the necessity for students to attend technical schools:

  1. Specialized Skills Development: Technical schools offer specialized education and training in fields such as engineering, computer science, healthcare, and skilled trades. Students receive hands-on experience and practical skills that are directly applicable to specific industries and professions. This targeted education prepares them for entry-level positions with technical expertise and industry-specific knowledge.
  2. Career Opportunities: Many technical professions require formal education and certification from accredited technical schools. Attending these schools enhances students’ employability and opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities. Employers often value candidates with technical education due to their specialized skills, practical experience, and readiness to contribute to the workforce from day one.
  3. Industry Demand: Technical schools cater to industries experiencing high demand for skilled professionals, such as engineering, information technology, healthcare, and manufacturing. These industries rely on a qualified workforce with specialized knowledge and technical proficiency. Attending a technical school aligns students with job market demands and increases their chances of securing rewarding career opportunities.
  4. Hands-On Learning and Industry Connections: Technical schools prioritize hands-on learning, laboratory experience, and industry partnerships. Students gain practical skills through real-world projects, internships, and cooperative education programs. These opportunities not only enhance their technical competencies but also provide valuable industry connections and networking opportunities essential for career advancement.
  5. Pathway to Advanced Education: Technical schools often offer pathways for students to pursue further education, such as bachelor’s degrees or advanced certifications. Many technical programs are designed in collaboration with universities and colleges, allowing students to transfer credits and continue their education while building on their technical foundation.

In summary, attending technical schools equips students with specialized skills, practical experience, and industry-specific knowledge essential for succeeding in technical professions. These institutions play a crucial role in meeting industry demands, preparing students for rewarding careers, and fostering innovation and growth in key sectors of the economy.

AI replacing coders in 2030 -impossible

AI has the potential to automate certain aspects of coding and software development, particularly in tasks involving repetitive or rule-based processes. However, it’s unlikely that AI will completely replace coders in the foreseeable future. Here’s why:

  1. Complexity of Coding: Many aspects of software development require creativity, problem-solving skills, and domain knowledge that are currently difficult for AI to replicate. Coding involves not just writing lines of code but also understanding requirements, designing architectures, debugging, and collaborating with others.
  2. Human Judgment and Context: AI excels in tasks with clear rules and data patterns but struggles with ambiguity, context, and human judgment—factors crucial in coding. Developers often need to make decisions based on nuanced understanding of user needs, business requirements, and technical constraints.
  3. Evolution of Tools: AI is more likely to augment coding rather than replace it outright. Tools powered by AI, such as code assistants, automated testing, and debugging tools, can enhance productivity and efficiency for developers rather than eliminate their roles.
  4. Creative Problem Solving: Coding involves not just writing code but also creatively solving problems and optimizing solutions. This requires human insight, adaptability, and the ability to innovate—qualities that are challenging for AI to emulate fully.

While AI will continue to impact the software development process, the role of coders is expected to evolve rather than disappear. Coders may focus more on higher-level tasks such as architecture design, integrating AI solutions into applications, and ensuring the ethical and practical implications of AI implementations.

Therefore, while AI will certainly influence how coding is done in the future, skilled human coders will remain essential for developing and maintaining sophisticated software solutions.

Important things needed to live a good life

What are the most important things needed to live a good life?

Living a good life is a pursuit that spans cultures, philosophies, and individual experiences. While the specifics may vary, certain foundational elements consistently emerge as crucial for a fulfilling existence.

1. Good Health: Without good health, all other pursuits can be compromised. Physical well-being allows us to engage fully in life, pursue our passions, and enjoy everyday activities. Mental health is equally vital, influencing our emotions, thoughts, and overall quality of life.

2. Meaningful Relationships: Human connection is fundamental to happiness. Building and maintaining supportive relationships with family, friends, and community fosters a sense of belonging and emotional security. These connections provide companionship, empathy, and shared experiences that enrich life.

3. Purpose and Meaning: Having a sense of purpose gives life direction and significance. Whether through work, hobbies, volunteering, or personal goals, having something meaningful to strive for fuels motivation and provides a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

4. Financial Stability: While money alone doesn’t guarantee happiness, financial stability is essential for meeting basic needs, reducing stress, and enabling opportunities for growth and enjoyment. It provides a sense of security and freedom to pursue interests and handle unexpected challenges.

5. Personal Growth: Continual learning and self-improvement contribute to personal development. Engaging in activities that challenge and expand our capabilities, whether through education, skills development, or new experiences, fosters resilience, adaptability, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

6. Work-Life Balance: Balancing responsibilities and leisure time is crucial for well-being. A healthy equilibrium between work, personal pursuits, and relaxation promotes physical and mental health, reduces burnout, and enhances overall satisfaction with life.

7. Gratitude and Positive Outlook: Cultivating gratitude for what we have and maintaining a positive mindset can significantly impact happiness. Appreciating life’s blessings, big and small, fosters resilience during challenges and enhances overall well-being.

8. Contribution to Others: Giving back to society or helping others can bring a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose. Acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply supporting loved ones contribute to a sense of connectedness and meaning beyond oneself.

9. Resilience and Adaptability: Life inevitably presents challenges and setbacks. Developing resilience—the ability to bounce back from adversity—and adaptability—the capacity to adjust to change—helps navigate difficulties and maintain equilibrium during life’s ups and downs.

10. Pursuit of Joy and Leisure: Taking time for hobbies, relaxation,

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?

One of my favorite books from childhood is “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” by C.S. Lewis. It’s the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia series. I loved the magical world of Narnia that the author created, filled with talking animals, epic battles, and a timeless struggle between good and evil. The idea of discovering a hidden world through an ordinary wardrobe fascinated me, and I enjoyed following the adventures of the Pevensie siblings as they became heroes in Narnia. It’s a classic tale of courage, friendship, and the power of belief that left a lasting impression on me.

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